02 February 2006

This is what a dogma will fetch...

People offering to kill other people over a bunch of comics. Seriously.

This story about protests concerning a bunch of cartoons that are considered blasphemous ought to be laughable. Do you remember when one particular holy man from a dusty desert town decided that something which didn't jive with his view of the world needed to be...dealt with?

Although there is nothing wrong with the tenet of Islam that says images of the prophet Muhammed are blasphemous, that is, like most Judeo-Christian rules, intended to be applied only to members of the tribe. All that crap in Leviticus about who needs to be put to death for what sort of fornication is specifically prefaced with the line "say unto the children of Israel," which means the members of this group exclusively. That part of the bible/Torah is a historical text that refers to the government of a specific group of people (frequently living as expatriates/refugees in a foreign land).

As swell as the US constitution claims to be, it doesn't have anything in it that allows its regulations to be enforced in other countries. There's nothing in the Magna Carta that allows parents from outside the British Kingdom to give away their heirs in marriage and claim authorization from the crown. These sorts of rules are only meant to apply to members of the groups that they were written for.

Religious intolerance is indefensible, but intolerance in the name of religion is no better.

Just keep your peanut butter out of my chocolate, your laws out of her uterus and everyone's dieties out of my face. Besides, don't people have more important things to worry about than some obviously inaccurate caricatures?

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