21 February 2009

Friday night?

Let's see, I'm drinking beer and reading comics. It could just as easily be 2009 as 1999. Ten year timewarp? Do your worst.

06 February 2009

Two Great Tastes...

I like old books. Old comic books, old reference books, and particularly old paperback books. There's something especially appealing about those old paperbacks that, for one reason or another, had really striking cover art.

Which is why, I suppose, I'm so happy to see this: a collection of great video games in the style of classic book covers.

Given how crappy some video game box illustrations have been, it seems like this would be most welcome.

Of course, given how many people say digital distribution is the only way forward for any sort of media, I guess it's sorta like getting excited about, uh, making rumble-seat covers that are totally evocative of the greatest Conestoga wagon seats.

05 February 2009

The more you know...

Soviet cosmonauts were trained with, and carried into space, three-barrelled firearms.
If George Washington was called "the father of the country", then it seems his wife, Martha, was a bit of a MILF.
Japanese companies have developed a robot that looks like the hall monitor robot from the Death Star, but shoots nets to catch criminals.
As a species, we're not done with evolution yet.