29 May 2007

Do they have milestones in metric system countries?

It's been about 554 years since the death of the last Byzantine emperor in Constantinople.

It's been around 72 years since the Hoover dam was completed.

It's been almost 18 years since the Tienanmen square massacre.

It's been almost one year since I left Japan.

Two steps forward, one step somewhere else.

Second verse, same as the first:

A little bit louder and a little bit worse.

06 May 2007

More of the same changes, more of the same results?

It seems like there are elections and resignations and appointments and complaints and protests all over the news these days. Well, the UK/Europe news, anyway. Maybe it's an easy angle to take for a journalist, but a lot of the stories seem to be about how one candidate (or party or whatever) is trying to make a new start and to recreate the promise of their party (or country or whatever).

After the last ten years of American politics, I find it kind of hard to respond optimistically to any of those sorts of stories. It just doesn't seem likely that any sort of organized rule-playing game is going to bring up a winner who's interested in profoundly changing the rules of that same game. I hesitate to look for any examples that seem to be in line with that metaphor, since the only one that seems to offer a halfway positive result involves William Shatner...