03 April 2007

Hat in hand, bile in throat

I'm having to devote more time to job hunting now. Not to say that a wolf is at my door, but if I act now, I can avoid dealing with that whole "huff and puff" thing come June. Not such a big deal except I'm finding myself reminded of why I left the US in the first place: having to pretend that taking orders from someone else is totally acceptable makes my marrow hurt. And having to go to one of those people and say "gee, I sure hope you'll find it in your heart to take a chance on a fella like me" is even worse.

I doubt there's much dignity in penury, but I know there's damned little to be had in asking for employment.


Anonymous said...

Hey Datsun Z

MJ from JapanBloggers here. Sorry to leave a message in your comments - but your mail bounce for me.

Just wanted to say that you have archives about being in Japan - so even though you've moved on I'm fine for you to remain a member of the ring.

We are still in major moving upheaval - but feel free to log into the new system next week and update your description and details and replace the code if you like.

JapanBloggers Webring

Anonymous said...

Holy jesus.
I think it's been at least ten years since you crossed my radar.
This is Becca- (you might not remember me), but I met you briefly @ USC when I was studying film there in '97 for a semester (in an "abroad" program from Duke.) If memory serves me correctly, I'm pretty sure I molested you...
I was quite a bit insane back then-really your typical whacko college junior... and I hope our encounter wasn't too traumatic for you!
(Maybe you've repressed it? :)
Oh well, I chalk my transient insanity up to both pathological teenage angst and the somewhat fetid air floating above hollywood...
Happily, I actually grew into a quite well-balanced grown-up! :)

Anywho- I was cleaning out some of the papers in my closet the other day and I ran across your name and some pictures from our ski trip to mammoth mtn. (Do you remember that trip?) Seeing the pics started me thinking, "I wonder whatever happened to..." and so, through sheer curiousity and the power of google, I stumbled onto your blog.

It sounds like you have been quite busy for the last decade! I have nice memories of you- (and despite my own derangement at the time, I do remember that you were one of the only fairly well-adjusted people that I met in california!). I'm very glad to hear that life has been an adventure for you since those long-ago days!

I'm a med student now, (I gave up the hollywood dream many moons ago-although rather unfortunately after a ridiculously expensive master's degree in film production), and I'm happily married, constantly busy, mostly enjoying life, and trying to find time to fit in adventures of my own- (even if Japan isn't on my radar :)

Anyway, this whole internet thing is so funny- putting names with faces from long-lost corners of our memories. It's so bizarre and yet really nice all at once. So, since I did happen to stumble across you, I thought I would drop you a note and say "Hi! I'm glad you still exist!"

Feel free to eavesdrop on my life (it's only fair since I got to read about yours!) and/or drop me a line, if you so desire, through my webpage (friendster.com/beccapeak)

Completely random post from your past- now over!

All the best,


Anonymous said...

I can't believe Chewbecca tracked you down!


Anonymous said...

Imagine my surprise! And here I thought I was bumping into an old acquaintance!
I must have left *quite* an impression if someone here actually remembered me fondly enough to refer to me as "Chewbecca!" (Quite funny, really- it made me laugh out loud!I've certainly filed that one away for future use ...)

And they growled, no less!
I'm guess I'm honored to be remembered as growl worthy! :)

So much for my attempts at reminscing!
Rest assured this will most certainly be my last visit to your blog.
I sincerely apologize for the obvious blunder of my intrusion and my erroneous assumptions of friendliness!
Silly me!
If you'd be so kind as to go ahead and delete my comments, I'd be quite grateful.

Anonymous said...
