25 February 2007

For your edification...

The Management presents a short list of some actual place names in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, chosen for their propensity to sound rude when said with extra emphasis. As in
"I say, Nigel, you wouldn't happen to know where Bertram is, old sport?"
"I expect Bertie's down Wapping Old Stairs, if you catch my meaning, old bean."
"So soon? I'd heard he was on holiday, taking a turn up Ashby De La Zouch."

And so on. Try it at home with the following places:


Shining Love Pig said...

you missed out Bognor Regis.

Datsun Z said...

Ah, that will certainly have to go in the second installment!

Anonymous said...

I like that the Ashby de la Zouch website is maintained by Johnson Cock.

Jarred McGinnis said...

This is just the tip of the iceburg. Here's a tool for finding the closest funny named places nearest your post code.


But also, you can't leave peterhead off the list.