13 February 2007

Children are some sort of future...

UK kids: Sucks to be you

Ha ha HAH HAH HAH hah a ha haa ahhh. When I think about the little fuckers on the bus who wouldn't stop howling and climbing on the rails, or the ones crying in the aisles of the supermarkets, or the ones with nothing better to do than sit around in front of Burger King trying to cadge cigarettes from passers-by, and then I see a story like this one, I just want to laugh and laugh and laugh.*

Choke on it, you little bastards.

* The author is well aware that the UNICEF study cites the probable causes of such behaviors, and not the punishments. The author is also aware that the fiery wheel of karma turns in unknowable ways.


Unknown said...

booooooo hoooooooo.
hey, write me, you.


Anonymous said...

I saw this study in some other news report and misread the rankings as saying the US was behind the UK. So I thought for a minute that the hellspawn of Limeyvania could at least take comfort in the idea that worse off than them was an entire nation of pink blobs moldering in the backseats of 150 million behemoth SUVs, staring into an LCD screen in the back of the driver's seat as it momentarily distracted them from screen of the PSP in their sweaty hands, barely able to burble out a grunt to demand another bag of pork rinds before lapsing back into their drooling reverie.

But then I reread the rankings and realized that the children of John Bull can't even take reassurance in the notion that they're better off than the imbecile generation that will vote Jenna Bush into office as Freedom Empress by a landslide in 2024. Now that's harsh.