29 October 2006

Second Language

British1 English words learned in the last three weeks:

ice lolly
- noun, Popsicle
khazi (ka zi) - noun, toilet
Pelican crossing - noun, a crosswalk with pedestrian controlled signals across the street. Not to be confused with a puffin crossing
Puffin crossing - noun, noun, a crosswalk with pedestrian controlled signals on the same side of the street. Not to be confused with a Toucan crossing
rock up - verb, to arrive (note: considered dated by under-25s)
slapper - noun, a promiscuous woman. See also slag.
toad in the hole - noun, sausages cooked in batter, usually served with gravy and vegetables
Toucan crossing - noun, a crosswalk with pedestrian controlled signals, also for cyclist use. Not to be confused with the now obsolete Panda Crossing.

1. I am aware that khazi is a British adoption of a foreign word. I am also aware that your average Brit is more than likely to claim that because it's spoken in the cradle of English language that it's a more valid English word than something like MILF, dingleberry, bling or aluminum.

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