20 June 2006


Okay, so a little over a week ago, one of my old friends from New Mexico came to visit. It took a while to get my place, well, not exactly tidy, but cleared out enough to allow a second human-sized form to enter. And after that I sort of had to get back into my routine of working. Which is why I haven't posted anything in a while. But I'll try and get some of the highlights of the trip listed here.

Incidentally, the next two or three days are going to be set aside for the city junior high schools to have tournaments in just about everything. The kids will be competing in soccer, baseball, judo, table tennis, kendo, something called "soft-ball tennis", basketball and track and field. Naturally, after three months of practice they're all quite excited to finally compete.

I, however, have been spared the difficulty of choosing which teams to watch and cheer for. I'll be giving speaking tests to all 271 of the first year students.

One. By. One.

I don't know if you can believe it, but somehow the kids aren't nearly as excited at the prospect of a foreign language test.

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