15 April 2006

Trash Day

Well, one of four trash days, actually. Today was the recyclables and non-burnables day. But the nylon mesh sack that's supposed to be for the "non-burnable, soft plastic" was missing from my apartment. So I went about 10 yards up the street to dump my stuff at the next drop off point. It was there I met one of my neighbors... who wanted to know if I was planning on putting my trash into her drop point.

Turns out that in addition to the ridiculously strict rules about how you're supposed to prepare your trash (you have to wash plastic before you throw it away, discarded cloth materials should be folded and/or cut into pieces no larger than 50 cm...) and when you're allowed to throw it away (designated days only, no more than 6 hours before the official pick-up time...) it turns out that you're limited as to where you can throw it away too. She went to great pains to explain that the garbage point I was so callously planning on using was reserved for the four houses at the end of the block. When I pointed out that my building no longer had the mesh sack for plastics, she proceeded to accost one of the other people who live in the neighborhood to ask his opinions on A) where the dividing line was for the trash point she was protecting, B) where I should be taking my trash, C) what might have happened to the mesh collection sack and D) what should be done next.

All told, it didn't take much more than five or six minutes to decide that I should just leave the bag in front of my assigned trash point and hope that the wind didn't scatter my washed, disposable, non-burnable plastic all over the neighborhood.

About an hour later, the trash guys came by and picked up all the plastics in the neighborhood and put them all in the same part of the back of the same truck.

What was accomplished? Not a damn thing, near as I can tell.

Seems to be a bit of a theme in my life lately...


Anonymous said...

the previous tenant of my apartment left 2 extra futons in my closet, where my clothes were supposed to fit. i disposed of them by cutting them all up into one-foot wide strips with a pair of hyakuen shop scissors and stuffing them into 5 or 6 trash bags, where they sat on the curb guiltily looking up at my window for at least a month...

-karla the bad neighbor

Datsun Z said...

The current tenant living next to me seems to have missed the plastics pick up day for the last seven months. The one time I saw the guy going into his apartment, I watched him shoving the door open through a crinkling heap of plastic bags and wrappers that was at least two feet high. And there's an even higher pile visible through his sliding glass door that opens onto, well, the area where my sliding glass door opens.