18 April 2006

My Spidey-sense is tingling...

Did someone call for a precipitous lurch towards nationalism?
LDP, New Komeito OK 'patriotism' definition

The Yomiuri Shimbun

The ruling coalition agreed Wednesday to a definition of patriotism to be included in a bill to revise the Fundamental Law of Education, which the government hopes to submit to the current session of the Diet, sources said.

The issue over how to define patriotism--aikokushin in Japanese--has attracted attention as the focal point of the law's revision.

The Liberal Democratic Party and New Komeito reached an agreement that would define patriotism as "a mind that respects tradition and culture, loves the nation and homeland that have fostered them," according to the sources.
Although the minority party member of the ruling bloc requested that "the nation" not be specifically referred to as the government that administrates to it, the final draft didn't seem to make that distinction.

Does anyone else feel the slightest twinge of anxiety when a bill is presented requiring teachers to instruct children so that they will "love the homeland that fostered them?"

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