24 February 2005


You know, like that screechy sound you hear when that jackass guitarist on open-mic night thinks he knows better than the sound guy and turns his output up too high? Yeah, feedback. And I finally worked out how to turn on the comments functions here. So you too can produce your own high-frequency response to my inchoate gibbering. And I solemnly swear* to read them all. Really.

Just click that bit at the bottom marked "comments" to get started.

*By "solemnly swear" I mean "intend to, until boredom overtakes me..."


Anonymous said...

I think that feedback sucks and is highly unneccesary (sic) for a truth sayer like yourself. Hell to what the masses feel about your genius and the sometimes unflattering light that it spills across their puny lives...

Datsun Z said...

Well, yeah. But it gets lonely sometimes, tending this lighthouse of the soul.