25 September 2005

There are signs everywhere.

1. The slacks from my best black suit, the one I had tailor-made in Hong Kong, began to unravel at the knee. They are now unsuitable for work or any other social event where I don't want to look like a well dressed hobo.
2. My sneakers suffered a massive structural failure. The uppers separated from the soles across over 65% of the instep and split open on the opposite side.
3. After well over 6 hours of trying to endure the Lovecraftian torment of Dell Japan: Customer Service Center, I finally recieved confirmation that not only has my laptop screen completely burned out, croaked, that is, but my repair coverage has also passed its "best-before" date. That is, expired.

4. I, however, seem to have survived another year. Happy Birthday to me.


Nerd Hater said...

Happy Birthday Sam.

You should send your laptop to Oz. He can fix anything. Oz guarantee included for no extra charge.

Anonymous said...

Wouldn't the guarantee be more meaningful if it came from Oz?


Datsun Z said...

I dunno, isn't Oz kinda busy with other stuff these days?

Not that I'd know. Oz never calls, never writes...

(Sound of muffled yet forlorn weeping follows)

Nerd Hater said...

Oz always has time for guaranteed computer repair.

Anonymous said...

happy birthday to you!!!
