02 August 2005

What did they say "idle hands" were?

One of the things I most enjoyed about living in Santa Monica was occasionally running into unexpected art. And I don't mean stuff from the kind of people who make easy, boring crap that you could just as easily buy at the state fair. I'm talking about stuff from groups like The Billboard Liberation Front or the California Department of Corrections, or running into something from the Cacophony Society or seeing the Santa Rampage.

I seem to recall that there was something invigorating about seeing normal routines disintegrate for a while. Like meeting, in front of the Blue Man Group, a bunch of orange-suited boozers with trading cards of themselves. There was a sense that life still had surprises in store.

But life in Tokyo does not seem to hold any surprises in its immediate future.

We'll have to see what can be done about that.

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