25 April 2004

I have new respect for Karla

Last time I had checked in with y'all was a couple weeks ago, and I was (in case you can't recall or can't be bothered to read the previous post) complaing about the prospect of having to go and teach elementary school. Most of my experience up to now has been in teaching students with more years having had mastered toilet training than not. But as it turns out the kids are the least of my complaints.

And given that most of them are right around crotch height and fairly reckless with other people's anatomy, that's saying a lot.

Nah, what's really got my blood up is that I'm being shuffled around between 6 elementary schools. Since I've been reassigned to Chiyoda ward, a school disctrict that's been experimenting with english education in elementary schools for about three years now.

Which is all well and good, but since I'm spending one week out of six in each school, and forty minutes per week with each class, I'll see each kid about five times in a year. Just the thing for building a rapport with the little crumb-catchers. No, seriously. In general, those kids are so frigging cute I wanna say something less than sarcastic about them.

But I can't. So I'll include a link to some W.C. Fields quotes about children instead. Here.

Where was I? Oh yeah. The kids are fine, but I have to change schools every damn week. And since the schools want to get maximum use out of their new English machine (that'd be yours truly), I'm generally teaching 4 to 6 periods a day, out of a maximum of six possible periods.

Once again, I'm tired.

I have no idea how this particular role model has done it day in and day out for the last year and change. I fully expect a return to binge drinking and howling at strangers who talk in movies for myself.

Okay. That's enough self pity. Take a look at these instead...
Florida scholars?
Osaka teacher?
Japanese students make comics in English