02 March 2004

From the Athens of legend to this? Eh, it's not THAT far off...

This hasn't been a good month for my sense of patriotism.

After finishing the "People's History" of the US (Zinn, great book), "Fast Food Nation" (Eric Shlosser, also excellent), and following what's passing for a presidential campaign, well, the thought of what passes for "America" turns my stomach. I wonder why people aren't trying to blow up embassies or fly planes into buildings or just howling in the streets. Then I remember that there's still a tiny bit of carrot on the end of the stick, and I guess that's enough to keep us dumb asses plodding on the track.


I guess that can go in my file down at the office of homeland surveillance. I only recntly found out they can begin an investigation on a citizen based the claim that someone they have TOO LITTLE information on is a possible security risk. But we should accept that Bush doesn't have to account for his 8 month furlough from the national guard to work as
some politico's reelction tool
is being pawned off as "noble wartime service" or that Kerry has proven himself to be a legislator capable of always bowing whichever way public opinion polls moved the day before.

It makes me ill to think that a democracy like THAT is the best people can do. Of course, I'm overlooking places like the Netherlands, Denmark and Luxembourg that seem to have found ways to not overtly abuse their citizens, but somehow I get the feeling they'd be just as moderate under monarchy, socialism or IWW-style anarchy.

But I'm rambling, aren't I?

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