25 January 2007

A schoolboy's heart no longer beats within this chest...

I told you all I went back to school, right? It hasn't been all smooth.

Can you imagine what kind of situation I must be in to have to say something like "Dammit, is there reason I'm not getting more homework at this point"? Or "why the crap didn't they give us a reading list?" Or even "I'm pissed off because my damn dumbass teachers aren't working us hard enough, crap damn hell piss fart double dookey damn it!"

That's right. Today, in trying to explain my interests as a writer, I needed to clear up the differences between comic books and comic strips as regards the ways in which they are written, published and distributed to a person who was only theoretically aware of any differences at all between something like Dilbert and something else like V for Vendetta. So not only did she immediately judge me based on her own blinkered world-view, but after asking for an explanation, she demonstrated that she was not listening at all.
"Yeah, so when you talk about telling stories with pictures, I mean, I love Garfield, so that's great that you're thinking about coming up with skits for that."

To add ignorance to insult to injury, our so-called Professional Writing course assignment was to come up with a lesson plan to teach an aspect of creative writing. Now, this was done for a teacher who has a side career in... teaching creative writing seminars. Is there any reason not to think that she just scammed, like 15 free lesson plans for her own damn business? The only up side I can think of is that so many of my classmates have stopped giving a damn that the lessons they submitted were likely to be a load of crap anyway.

Oh yeah, final indignity of the day. In trying to talk about science fiction fandom to a self-proclaimed "sci-fi dork", I tried to ask about a series only to find out that it that debuted a year before her birth.

What the hell, man? How the jumping crap did I wind up like this? Upset about not being asked to study enough, indignant about the ignorance of a writer of Harlequin Romances, and having to explain why a story about a space ship full of hot-blooded young folk would have been popular to a fan of Firefly.


snwod said...

I think you should have turned that teacher upside down and shaken her until her retina detached. Seriously.

Jarred McGinnis said...

1) Maybe it's because the English are the ones who got to name this bastard tongue we use and that makes them bloody precious about the language. On a few occasions, I have had a hard time convincing people far better educated than myself that poetry doesn't have to rhyme and female 19th century aristicrats aren't the only people who have written novels.

And 2) also being in the University enviornment, I have gotten used to having conversations with people born after 1990. Welcome to being old, my friend.

Sorry to hear about the troubles.