26 June 2008

Kate Beaton!

There aren't nearly enough comics about history.

Wait, scratch that. There aren't nearly enough good comics about history.

No, hold on. There aren't nearly enough good comics, period.

Fortunately, Kate Beaton is making hella funny comics, many of which involve historical figures. Her linework is clear and evocative, her sense of comedic timing is great, and I really can't choose which of her comics make me laugh the most, because there are so damn many of them that leave me in fucking stitches.

Go to Kate Beaton dot com, now now now!


Anonymous said...

Oh shit, I love these! I saw them one time online and read a bunch of them, but I forgot her name (or never saw it in the first place). She's a Canuck, yeah?

I love the love-starved insanity eyes of the Tesla groupies.

Surely you've see Nicholas Gurewitch's amazing comics, right?


Datsun Z said...

For a brief, shining moment, the Perry Bible Fellowship was being run in the Guardian newspaper here. Well meaning lefty-liberals were being exposed to comics about naughty senator Bix and Carl the custodian.

But it seems like he's hung up the pencil for a while. And yet Garfield trundles along, spewing toxic clouds of unfunny smoke. Booo!