20 July 2007

In case you've forgotten...

Your government hates you.

They may be quite happy to take your money, keep you under constant surveillance, tell you what not to do, and who not to do it with1, but they still hate you.

Is there any other way to explain FEMA's behavior?

If you knew something could be dangerous, but chose to expose people to it anyway, I might call that reckless. If you knew it could be dangerous, and told people not to ask questions because that might mean you were aware of that danger but didn't want to be held responsible, I might call you spineless and amoral.

If you did all those things to people who had already lost their homes, possibly due in part to your own mismanagement or indifference, and to people who continue to suffer due to lack of funding, attention or effort on my part, well, a court might call it willful negligence.

I'd probably call you a cowardly, hateful, sack of shit.

If someone intentionally tried to keep me and my family in a box that could possibly give me cancer I'd say that was pretty fucking malicious.

The people who claim to be your government view your possible death by cancer as an inconvenience to their jobs. Your life is less important than their budget review.

Their job is to protect you, and instead they leave you to die.

They hate you.

1 - Short form, the state of Washington feels quite comfortable telling John Doe he can't marry Richard Roe. This is something else that's got me pissed off, but it'll have to wait for another post...

1 comment:

digCP3 said...

Hear Hear, finally someone who is willing to say it outloud....our government doesn't give a crap about any of us. If we can't give them money or power then we are useless to them.

How about we enact a new rule across the nation (although the concept is far from new)...any politician who votes or supports any law/amendment that we do not like we simply vote out of office. We do not give them another term, we simply remove them. We need to take the power back from our government, it's suppose to be for the people by the people not for themselves/big business by big business.

Come on people wake up, let's get going!